
Transforming workplace culture and breaking down the stigma around mental health

Mental Health Strategy Development

bespoke action plan for your business/industry, with policies and training embedded

Suicide Prevention Strategy

with policies and training embedded

Mental Health First Aid training

(2-day) Available in classroom and virtual format

Mental Health First Aid Champions

(1-day) Only available in the classroom

Mental Health Aware training

(half-day) Available in classroom and virtual format

Suicide First Aid training

(half-day) Available in classroom and virtual format

“Lunch and Learn”

bite-sized training or awareness-raising talks that fit into a lunch break, or available as online webinars

Bespoke training

around all aspects of mental health and wellbeing, available in classroom and virtual format

Give your workforce the competitive advantage of resilience

Blossom Mental Health Training applies a whole-organisation approach because experience tells us this provides the best foundation for a healthy workplace culture. Among a suite of services we offer bespoke Mental Health Strategies, with policies and training options embedded, so you become well prepared to offer immediate and effective support to your workforce in any time of crisis.

We work with organisations that choose excellence, those wanting to adopt best practice and go beyond the “tick box” compliance measures.  Our clients expect bespoke strategies, supplemented with different levels of mental health training to suit each team member.   They provide support for their Mental Health Champions and their Mental Health First Aiders.

Mental Health First Aid Champions

are often line managers or supervisors; this 1-day training explores the impact of the latest thinking around mental health on the employer’s duty of care to all employees.  The course includes discussion around stress risk assessments and reasonable adjustments in the workplace for someone who has mental health challenges.

MHFA and SFA trainees

are often the designated traditional first aiders in a workplace. Trainees will learn how to spot early signs of mental distress, how to start supportive conversations before it escalates and how to use a Mental Health First Aid Action Plan to guide someone towards safety.

Mental Health training helps your organisation by:

Reducing presenteeism (the unhelpful and sometimes toxic culture of presenting for work even when someone is mentally unfit and, perhaps, unsafe to work).
Building emotional resilience in your employees, which improves abilities to adapt effectively to change, to manage workload and to problem-solve.
Reducing absenteeism and long-term sickness.
Improving employee morale, which drives retention and helps to attract the best talent.
Inspiring a culture of trust which improves overall performance.
It could save someone’s life.

Empower all your employees to help save lives. 

It’s never been more important for employers to increase awareness of the most common mental health disorders, by training everyone in your organisation how to spot signs of overwhelm which can lead to suicidal thoughts.

Mental health is no longer seen as a training add-on – we predict it will soon become the next mandatory learning for all, alongside traditional Health and Safety skills.

Training can be tailored for your industry and cater for every style of learner through engaging activities including facilitated discussion and contextual exercises.

For many courses we can come to your premises. Individuals or groups of fewer than 8 can join our new, open learning courses, alongside trainees from other organisations, or access learning via our virtual courses online.


Stigma remains a significant barrier to disclosing any mental health condition.  Half of all employees say they wouldn’t discuss a mental health issue with their line manager for fear of discrimination, judgement or future job security. 

Managers and employers sometimes shy away from the subject out of awkwardness, or a fear of legal consequences.  The shame or fear of those consequences can tip an already vulnerable employee into suicidal thoughts. 

Let’s end this culture of silence.


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